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In the very long run, economic growth matters. Global GDP has grown at about 2.68% since 1820. If it had grown at only 1.68% instead — just one percentage point less — the human race would be only 37% as rich as it is now, with a per capita GDP of about $6145 instead of $16,677. That would have meant more poverty and may be less knowledge creation and more conflicts.
At outer range Trees live for 5000 years, animals 300 years, humans 120 years but Stories and Poems are eternal....beautiful and impactful words written thousands of years influence and guide our civilization even now....wealth of nations have gone but words still stand tall.
The way we relate to our own brains, to people around us, to our possessions, money, social positions etc - these bundle of our relationships multilplied by 8 billion others creates society. The collection of each of our desires, hungers, dreams, ambitions, prejudices, biases, greed, fear, envy, sadness etc in every one of us makes the World. The World is us. If we change each of us we change the world. If one of us change that should send ripple through the system.
We control nothing but influence everything.