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Hi, I am Prashant Patel.
Have been on this beautiful planet for some time now and have learnt a few skills, accumulated loads of ideas, friendships, experiences and offcourse biases on the way.
Went to a fantastic school which gave me some lovely friends and a very holistic perspective to life. Did my Chemical Engineering and CFA in not so aware state I would say! But met some outstanding individuals early and got gravitated towards world of “Investing”. Have been passionate and dedicated investor since 1994.
Early in learning the craft of investing; came across usual roles models in Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and many more investors that fall in this niche class of value investing school. That has put me on two solid paths - One compounding of wisdom and the other compounding of capital.
One of my early mentors Chanrakant Sampat inspired me to get wise first and rich in process. And over period I have been serious student of wisdom through “Consilience of Knowledge” from all important discplines of all the sciences, humanities, wisdom traditions etc.
Hope to share some insights, ideas and interest through this platform over a period.
WIGO, stands for “what is going on” - in the immediate environment, firstly inner under the skin, and secondly outer proximate experience impinging on the sensory apparatus.
Here I will be sharing some of my WIGO shots from time to time - few curated stuff covering multiple discplines & some of my inner climate.