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Some Morning musings:
I resonate with Cal Newport productivity philosophy. It boils down to : 1. Do fewer things. 2. Work at a natural pace. 3. Obsess over quality.
Some stuff that touched my sensory apparatus:
Josh Waitzkin in conversation with Andrew Huberman. Have loved reading Josh's book "The Art of Learning". This is lovely conversation around some important and deep topics around learning and life in general…https://youtu.be/wAnDWfEIwoE?si=DqT7I0MlulCxKUsx
Mark Manson sits down with Arthur Brooks, a renowned social scientist and happiness expert, for a deep dive into the realms of meaning, faith, and love…https://pca.st/6o35l9vq
Lurking Inside an Asteroid: Life’s Ingredients - Scientists studying samples that NASA collected from the asteroid Bennu found a wide assortment of organic molecules that shed light on how life arose…https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/29/science/nasa-bennu-asteroid-molecules.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tE4.F0X-.aVoPqtimQIu7&smid=url-share
Some Inner Environment:
I love part of my story but despise some part of it. But than I think what if both are needed to make me arrive where I am now? And if I generally like where I am now…does it mean story about me which I don't like was necessary as much as what I like?…Acceptance of good, bad, ugly necessary.